Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The New Year, or the "new me"?

I'd like to take this year, like every other year, as a challenge.

Every January, we tend to bring ourselves to start a new beginning by creating a diet to lose weight or to read the bible every single day. And each and every year, there are obstacles that face us and our promises slip away until we revive them for the next new year.

This year will be a different year.
I will be single for the first time in over three years. I will be able to experience this freedom to have crushes and to like someone and not be cooped up inside my turtle shell. This means looking good and feeling great inside and out.

For the new year and the many years to come (as God allows),

1. I will watch what I eat. I'm open to diets, however I know I will not stick to one, so now I will make sure that full does mean full and not hungrier. If I don't finish my food, a tupper-ware will be used to scrape off the leftovers for the next day. I will not waste food by throwing it away.

2. Second, I will exercise. Sampanda and I will have our exercises outside so he can have a great run while I could burn some off some of my cellulite. I figured that I'm not getting any younger and its harder to take the fat out if its been there for a while.

3. I will be nicer to people. I think this is my hardest promise because I am a biased freak-of-nature and I do believe what my friends think, but I will have to widen the horizon.

I think three is good enough.

Thanks Brian Berger for reading, I'm loving the encouragement :)