Thursday, August 25, 2011

On Prayer.

"Rejoice Always. Pray without ceasing." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17
Praying in so special that it is our tweet, facebook message, text/call, e-mail, snail mail to our Heavenly Father. As much as we keep touch with our friends on the social networks, God gives us the opportunity to talk to him by praying to him. However, with all these technological ways to contact our friends, we somewhat expect them to respond immediately, or we think that we are being ignored, rejected. When we call on God, it is only on His time that He will respond to us.

Let's go back to the basics.

"Pray" comes from the Latin word "Precari", meaning "to beg".
"Begging" comes from the Latin word "mendicans", (mendicant) - those who rely on charitable donations to survive.

When we pray, we beg for God's mercy, forgiveness and favor on whatever we place at the foot of his cross. At the same time, we CANNOT CHOOSE what we want on our plate. When unfortunate events happen to us, it does not mean that our Lord and Savior allowed it to happen to spite us and make our lives miserable. He knows that it enables us to grow stronger in Him when we are at our lowest, if we let it.

I'm guilty of this too, but I hear people all the time praying for God to DO this or DO that for them. The real question is what are WE doing for the One who created us?

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