Saturday, July 14, 2012

Hello friends, long time no see.

I have some notes/quotes from Daniel Cardinal DiNardo on July 9, 2012 (Cafe Catholica).

Salvation is the marriage of God and human beings. 

If you can learn to love scripture, you can be confronted.

If you think no one cares, know that the archbishop cares.

3 Challenges of the Church

  1. -(Grave Issue) Great falling away of those practicing their faith.
  2. - Those in the clergy who are not enthused of the faith and we do not have enough religious.
  3. - Hostility towards the Catholic faith.

How will we recover from the consequences of Vatican 2?
- Increased reverence for the Eucharist as the anticipation of the final kingdom.

Advice for sons and daughters who are active in the Church, but their parents are not.
  1. - Pray for the parents every day. Never stop praying, Jesus can always rise up at the last minute.
  2. - Carefully place a pamphlet of apologetics where they can see it.
  3. - Always be forthcoming of your own faith.

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